Think Outside the Stack With Pulumi

Pulumi is a powerful infrastructure as code (IaC) tool with a fantastic superpower you just don’t get with products like HashiCorp’s Terraform. You can harness the power of your favorite programming languages and apply them for another purpose. Rather than learning a domain specific language (DSL) that is largely a “one-trick pony” you can make your favorite programming language build cloud infrastructure! How cool is that? HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), while powerful, is frankly used for one thing and one thing only, infrastructure. It can do the job well, there is no argument we have gotten our mileage out of this tool and tools like it (I am looking at you AWS Cloudformation). However, it immediately starts to break down as you get more sophisticated. Looping, conditionals, etc. while supported have largely been bolted on as customers started to hit the edges of this tool chain. Which begged the important and maybe obvious question, “Why are we forcing ourselves to use a language not designed for this level of sophistication, when we have world class languages that would certainly be up to the task?” As a result, I would argue another wave of IaC tools was kicked off with players like AWS launching their Cloud Development Kit (CDK), Pulumi launching a cross-cloud/cross-service SDK and even HashiCorp recognized the need to grow past HCL. I will leave the reader to investigate the merits of each toolchain, as this was not the intent of this post. Today I want to introduce the Pulumi stack concept and the flexibility it can provide in building our cloud infrastructure. Read More...

Welcome Back!

You may have noticed the blog went down recently. I have been working on a new design and re-launch that took a touch longer than anticipated. Thank you for returning. I am hoping to have a more robust solution available to write/publish content more easily now. Read More...